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Trigger Playlist

Setting up Signage Playlist

To set up a signage screen, find the Signage Playlist app in the Marketplace.


Open it up, and proceed to the install button below the header

Click install, and fill out the popup and choose how you want it organized


Now you've completed the installation, it's time to configure it. First, find your installation in the sidebar where you've installed it.

Once you've opened it you can configure your signage. You can do this by adding content, or you can start by adding a device.

Trigger Playlist is one of the pre-built apps developed by Ombori on top of the Ombori Grid.

Adding content to Signage Playlist

Adding content to a Signage Playlist installation is easy and very flexible. You can configure playlists exactly how you want them to play.

Triggers can even enhance this further as you can use external factors to influence what should play on the screen.

To read more about the available triggers and how to use them, head over to Using Triggers documentation.

Add media items

You can add media to a Signage Playlist by clicking on the Content tab inside your installation.

To add media items to a playlist you need to press the + Add button next to any items section in the playlist. Either inside a trigger item or in the generic items playlist.

By pressing the + Add button a small form will show up.

For item type you should select MEDIA and the item will expand to show more options

From here you click the Pick an asset icon, this will open the media library. The media library will show all content you've uploaded to your organization, but you can also upload new content from here.

Choose the item you want to add to your library, in this case, we're going to select a static image. This will add an extra required field to the form to input the time you want this image displayed, in ms, or milliseconds (1 second is 1000ms). Once you've filled it out, the item is complete

Now you press the Save all changes button on the right of the screen.

If you add a video you don't need to enter the time it will play, by default the video will play exactly once, and then move on to the next item.

Adding Screen Apps

Next to media you can also add Screen Apps to the playlist, which you can configure in-line in the playlist.

To learn more about Screen Apps, check the Building your first screen app guide.

To add a screen app, select GRIDAPP from Item type on the content page.

Then the first field is Application, which can be any Screen App available in your organization. So this can be either a pre-built marketplace app or one you've deployed yourself.

The configuration of the app depends fully on what application you choose, so check the related documentation for any marketplace app. However, there's one field that needs filling for any application, and that is the duration you want the Screen App to be on screen. This needs to be filled in ms, or milliseconds (1 second is 1000ms).

Adding an Installation (Nested Installations)

A powerful feature of the Ombori Signage Playlist is that you can also add another installation as a playlist item.

To add an installation, select Installation from the Item type on the content page.

The first field is Installation, which can be any installation available in your organization. Be it a signage playlist or a different application type, you have the option to select any existing installation.

Additionally, we need to specify the Next Item Trigger, which is the trigger to play the next item. For Signage Playlist installations, select Installation Trigger, it has built-in logic to detect the end of playback. For other installations, select Duration, and specify the length of time in milliseconds you want to show the specified installation on the signage.

The Signage Playlist handles caching, and auto-updates itself when at least one of its nested installations has a new deployed build.

After you've configured your Screen Application, you can press the Save all changes button on the right of the screen.

Publishing to device

Now that you have content in your playlist you can publish the playlist to your Signage Playlist device. If you don't have a device attached to your installation, do so now.

?> To learn more about how to add a device to the Ombori grid, visit the Add a device documentation.

After you've pressed Save all changes a new button appears, this is the Publish button.

Once you press this button, the signage application will start building, and then will be automatically downloaded to any device added to the installation.

You will notice on the screen of your device a progress bar will display notifying you of it downloading the assets, and then it will start showing the content you've configured.

Using Triggers

Triggers are great for dynamically adjusting the playlist based on external factors. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind for triggers.

  • If a trigger is true, all content will be played inside the trigger.
  • If multiple triggers are true, all of them will be played
    • Unless you check the "only play first trigger" checkbox, then all other triggers AND content will be ignored.

With that in mind, let's have a look at the trigger options


There are several triggers you can use

DATETIMESelect a date/time range when it should be visible
DATESet a date range when the content should be visible
TIMESet a time range when content should be visible
DAYSpecify which days of the week the content should be visible
WEATHERSpecify what weather shows what content based on a city
TEMPERATURE_MINFrom what temperature should the content show
TEMPERATURE_MAXUntil what temperature should the content show


With the DATETIME trigger, you can specify a date/time range when to display certain content. This is a one-time trigger as you cannot specify multiple date/times.

The device configuration of date/time is used for this trigger.


The DATE trigger allows you to specify a date range when to display certain content. This is a one-time trigger as you cannot specify multiple dates.

The device configuration for DATE is used for this trigger.


The TIME trigger allows you to specify a time from and to when to display certain content. This trigger will be true every day it matches the time.

The device time is used for this trigger.


The DAY trigger allows you to select which days of the week certain content needs to be displayed. This trigger will be true every week it matches the day(s).


The WEATHER trigger allows you to play content specific to the weather at the specified city. Several weather types can be used as a trigger

  • Clear
  • Clouds
  • Drizzle
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Thunderstorm

Weather triggers are based on the OpenWeather API data.


The TEMPERATURE_MIN trigger allows you to display content as soon as the temperature rises above the specified number.

Weather triggers are based on the OpenWeather API data.


The TEMPERATURE_MAX trigger allows you to display content as long as the temperature is below the specified number.

Weather triggers are based on the OpenWeather API data.

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